That’s right. Despite heavily critical reception by reviewers and fans over the lack of content in Star Wars: Battlefront, EA DICE’s next project will once again feature macrotransactions in the form of map packs. What’s worse is that unlike Battlefront, Battlefield 1 will also feature micro-transactions. Fortunately, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson reassures us that the micro-transactions will not heavily affect gameplay.

- Andrew Wilson - Electronic Arts Inc. - CEO

As stated in the above quote, the micro-transactions in Battlefield 1 aren’t going to be pay-to-win purchases, but they will undoubtedly be present.

- Andrew Wilson - Electronic Arts Inc. - CEO

It does bring into question what these features will include if they are not pay-to-win purchases. Will they be skins for vehicles and weapons? New costumes for players? Maybe something to prevent the gangrene that came as a result of fighting in the trenches during World War 1?

Who knows. Only time will tell. Hopefully the base game will have enough content this time around to warrant the macro-transactions though.

What do you think of micro-transactions and map packs coming to Battlefield 1? Are you cynical after Battlefront that these will be sold at the price of a full game in order to have a decent amount of content? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!