You can attack with melee, or use her boomerang to stay at a distance. I’ll explain how Shayne and Aurox work, as well as tips on their helix skills and combat.

This guide will cover everything about Shayne and Aurox in Battleborn including:

Shayne and Aurox Info - Info on their weapons, skills, and general play style. Shayne and Aurox Tips - Tips on their Helix, mutations, and general gameplay.

Shayne and Aurox Info

Shayne is a teen girl with an evil djinn named Aurox that serves as her bodyguard. You usually see Aurox surrounding Shayne and makes her primary attack a melee.

Her secondary attack is a Boomerang for ranged combat and can be changed to hit multiple targets. 


Stealth Strike - Shayne cloaks for up to 5 seconds, then Aurox crashes down in an area around Shayne dealing 133 damage. You can cancel this skill early.

Fetch - Aurox charges forward and pulls the first enemy he hits back to Shayne, dealing 133 damage.

(Ultimate Skill) Tag Team - Summon Aurox at the target location, dealing 418 damage over 5 seconds. Nearby enemies are knocked into the air at the end.

Shayne and Aurox is a character that can be strong in melee range as well as at a distance because of Boomerang. Fighting at a distance is surprisingly effective and good for when you want to use hit-and-run tactics.

Shayne and Aurox Tips

Shayne and Aurox’s 2 Helix styles, Fun and Games, changes how you play the character. 

I’m going to go over some Helix suggestions based on playing as a damage stealth character going in and out of fights.


Level 1

Aura of Annoyance - This gives Shayne a damaging aura while she is cloaked in Stealth Strike. I like this one because of the extra damage it adds before hitting them from stealth.

Level 2

Surprise Party - This level could go either way. I usually pick this one because it makes her more of an assassin by adding 25% extra damage to the first hit after Stealth Strike. The other choice is also useful if you want to make them easier to kill afterwards by slowing them down.

Level 3

Boomerang Bounce - Being able to bounce the boomerang between multiple enemies helps a lot with this play style. The mutation for this level makes melee damage 18% stronger when shields are active, which is another appealing choice if you want a boost to get some melee hits in after leaving stealth.

Level 4

Holding it Down - The choice for this one is hard and I usually pick based on how the game is going. This is my default choice because it stuns people for 2 seconds after being pulled by Fetch. This lets you shutdown certain characters for an easier kill.

Level 5

The Immortal Aegis - I always choose this one because it is nice to get an immediate shield recharge every time I use a skill.

Level 6

Shield Smasher - I go for the damage options almost all the time, so the 60% shield penetration from Fetch was the obvious choice for me. The other option’s ability to reduce damage by 20% while in Stealth Strike is also good.

Level 7

Boom Goes the Boomerang - This is the mutation and increases damage of Boomerang by 18%. Since I spend a lot of time hitting people with this attack, then backing off, the extra damage is perfect. The other 2 options give more survival

Level 8

Sustained Stealth - All 3 options in this category are good and depend on the situation. I like playing Shayne as a stealth character, so the extra time in stealth is amazing. The Games option to do more damage is also a great choice if you want to play as an assassin. The mutation increases the Stealth strike radius by 50% so this is a solid choice when you want to hit more people.

Level 9

Sic’Em - I choose this for the extra damage it gives to Fetch, but being able to use it more often is also helpful, especially if you add effects to Fetch.

Level 10

Aurox Beckons - This is what I usually go with because most of the time, people will easily get out of Tag Team. Slowing them down for 3 seconds makes the ultimate a lot more useful.

Combat Tips

Use Stealth to sneak up on enemies, or escape Stealth Strike is perfect for dealing a burst of damage, then getting out of there. Hit them with the ability, get a few hits in after, then get out. Keep constant pressure with Boomerang Her secondary attack can deal a decent amount of damage, even more if you pick the Helix options to increase it. Keep hitting enemies, then running to safety for better results. Don’t be afraid to run Even though you can build Shayne and Aurox to have constant shields and increase shields and health, you don’t need to play like a tank. Their primary roll is Initiator, so you want to be the first to strike. If things start looking bad, just make your escape and switch to hit-and-run tactics.

That’s it for my Battleborn Shayne and Aurox guide. Let me know if you have questions or your own suggestions for playing this character.