It’s imagined that the melody is a provocative version of Big Tymmers’ well known tune Get Your Roll On from 2000.

Since the Roe v. Swim choice was switched by the Supreme Court on June 24, many are scrutinizing the planning of Rose’s melody discharge. As summed up by Twitter client @ZINZI versus ZOEY:

With the Roe v. Swim administering, Amber Rose erasing “GYHO” is sad. Moreover, 38-year-old Rose is a vital figure in the SutWalk association, which coordinates a yearly walk in Los Angeles to go against sut-disgracing and rpe culture and to show support for people who have encountered sxual attack. Considering Roe v. Swim being overruled, web clients answer Amber Rose’s melody GYHO.

Rose might not have known when to deliver the melody Get Your H*e On that it would agree with the Supreme Court of the United States upsetting the Roe v. Swim choice. Considering that no less than 21 states are creating and authorizing against early termination regulation, the country no longer appreciates ensured government established security of fetus removal privileges.

— Rap Alert (@rapalert6) June 24, 2022

Netizens were insulted by Rose’s arrival of the improper tune GYHO as of now, and many vented their disappointment on Twitter.